Every now and again the Goddess of Opportunity comes by and she only knocks once on your door. The key is to recognize her and let her in. Thank her for showing up and then hustle hard at the opportunity she handed to you.
This is the best Brazil commercial.
ET is one of the best speakers I’ve listened to. You can find his Youtube Channel here.
ET says he’s not an inspirational speaker! He wants to add value to your life!
Here is a sample video. Enjoy…and you can thank me later.
Every time you see a commercial on TV or the Net they all have the same features.
This video by Dissolve Footage succinctly explains it (it’s only 2:49 minutes long):
If you run a Facebook page you probably want more likes!
You’ve maybe even paid for some through the “promote your post/page” campaign (I know I have) but are you “likes” REAL?
Great video to find out the truth:
I’ve had this website since December 2012 but this is the first post that I’ve ever published. Part of the reason for not publishing anything before is a combination of laziness, not knowing what to post and a lot of stinking-thinking *insert Zig Ziglar’s voice*.
Anyway, I am going to post whatever I feel like sharing or whatever I feel like collecting. Here’s the first thing I want in my collection.